สำนักงานบัญชี เจ พี แอนด์ แอสโซซิเอท : Welcome to our website. เลขทะเบียน : 0105553018225 เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษี 3033797190
บริการด้านบัญชี และภาษี

We provide a high standard of accounting services to ensure that clients receive the best possible advice and comply with the requirements of the various statutory authorities. Our services include

Providing registration of Accountant company with Thai law

Computerized recording of daily financial transaction in accordance with Thai Generally
    Accepted Accounting

Principles (GAAP) and the Thai Revenue Code

Preparation of all legal-required bookkeeping supports and reports

Preparation of related witholding tax supports and reports (PND 53, PND 54)

Preparation of payroll witholding tax supports and reports (PND 1)

Preparation of related VAT supports and reports (Output VAT report, Input VAT report,
    Stock report for VAT purpose) to submit PP 30, PP 36

Preparation of Corporate Income tax (CIT) report PND 50 and half-year PND 51

Preparation of personal income tax report for PND 90, PND 91 , PND 94

Giving advice and recommend for accounting and keeping related document for recording

Provide taxes consulting and planning services 

  Our services are designed to help you define objectives, determine practical alternatives and implement solutions as well as preventive, detective and corrective of fraud risk or error from your business management. The proper accounting system create accurate information and assist clients in running their business according to objective
          The Services available include

           - System design and implementation

           - Management information system

           - Determine and design accounting document

           - Accounting and Financial management consultancy

           - Implementing computerized accounting system


Our fees to be computed base on by

1. Number of documents/transaction (Purchase, Sales, Receive, Payment and Other)
2. Business type / Business operation (Trading, Services, Manufacturing etc.)
3. Preparation stock / inventory report
4. Documents keeping / filing
5. Company internal control system
6. Documents conveyance

Primary documents to be delivered to us

Necessary documents for making database

A.01 – Memorandum / Affidavit / Memorandum of Company registration
A.02- Shareholders List (BOJ 5)
A.03- Tax Identification card
A.04- VAT Registration Certificate (PP 20)
A.05- VAT Registration Application (PP 01)
A.06- VAT Amendment (PP 09) If any
A.07- Details of opening bank account (All bank)
A.08- Details of all Contracts
A.09- Details of group inventory.
A.10- Minutes of Board’s meeting

Document supporting for bookkeeping

B.01- Document for sales entry (Sales tax invoice, Delivery note, Receipt)
B.02- Document for purchases entry (Purchase tax invoice, Delivery note, Receipt,
         Debit note)
B.03- Document for Non-VAT disbursement entry (Gasoline, Express way and other)
B.04- Document for collecting from customer (Received voucher, Pay-in slip)
B.05- Document for disbursement to creditors (Payment voucher, Cheque register)
B.06- Bank Statement for current / saving account
B.07- Withholding tax certificate (In case received)
B.08- Withholding tax certificate (In case payment)
B.09- PND 3, 53, 54 including receipt
B.10- PND 1, PND 1K, Social security including receipt
B.11- PP 30, 36 including receipt
B.12- Inventory report (if any)

Period for receiving documents supporting into bookkeeping

We will collect your document within the date 3rd of next month in order to prepare taxation and file to Revenue department within the date 7th and 15th of the month for withholding and VAT respectively.


JP & Associates Accounting Office Co., Ltd.
63/1 Moo 4 Soi Sukapibal 5,Subdivide 5, Raminhtra Rd., Thareng, Bangkhen Bangkok 10220
Tel.+66(2) 552-1560, +66(2) 552-1562
Fax. +66(2)552-1561, +66(2)552-1577
Mobile. +668-18702177
E-mail : suvanee@jpassociate-th.com or jp@jpassociate-th.com

Management by Suvanee Poolsiri

copy right 2010